Get Organised: 2014 Blog Calendar Download

Friday 27 December 2013

A few months ago I was on a serious mission to get organised both in life and on my blog and it was highly requested that I do a series of posts dedicated to how I achieved complete organisation (well not quite). 

For my blog I wanted some structure, as I work full time and blog in my spare time my posts could be quite sporadic so the first thing I did was download a calendar and at the beginning of each month I plan out what I want to post; so the bare minimum which for me is three a week and if for example a good deal came up I wanted to tell my readers about I could slot that in on a day without a post.

Whenever I showed my filled in calendar on Instagram I was always asked where I got it from, I paid for it from Etsy but as it was towards the end of the year it seemed silly to point people in that direction as they'd only get two months for their money and I decided that I wanted to create one myself that my readers could download and print out at home for themselves free of charge. Initially I was going to do it as one download but I am having issues with the editing software I created it on so I will have to finish it off as I go along. 

Hopefully it can become a tool to help people structure their blogs if they're like me and useless doing something without it being written down.

Click here for the download 

How do you keep organised?


  1. Thank you for this! I work full time and blog in my spare time too so I often struggle getting posts up as regularly as I'd like as well as coming up with enough ideas for posts so this is perfect. Thank you :)

  2. Fab thanks for this! I have just bought a few note pads to help organise the blog and was going to get a diary but this will be much easier :)

  3. Wow - thank you for sharing this. I really want to get organised in 2014, and this will help so much!
    Love Vicky


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